This Museum is located in the old Infants School, dated in the 16th century, and founded by Cardinal Juan Martínez Silíceo. In this building, restored for this purpose, we can enjoy an extensive collection of works of art belonging to the Toledo Cathedral, especially tapestries, textiles, and other goldsmith objects.

The beautiful tapestries that on the occasion of the Corpus Christi procession adorn the façade of the Primate Cathedral stand out. But also the so-called “Tapestry of the Astrolabes”, where we can get an idea of ​​how the inhabitants of the 15th century contemplated the universe. And, of course, clothes belonging to the most famous cardinals who have held the Toledo chair.

The Museum can be visited from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00, and the entrance has a cost of € 2.