The place name composed of this population refers to the numerous “sales” that in yesteryear there were in the area to accommodate the travelers, and to the well-known Peña or “Cerro del Águila of this population” of 1189 inhabitants. Its extension is about 140 kms. Squares, and its altitude of about 792 meters. It is located 35 kilometres from the capital of Toledo.

What to see in sales with PEÑA AGUILERA:

  • Neolithic Archaeological Complex
  • Mill and Hermitage of Our Lady of the Eagle
  • Hermitage of Saint Lucia
  • Parish Church of St. Peter the Apostle
  • Torre de los Moros

Main festivals:

  • Virgin of the Eagle: Coinciding with Sunday, Monday and Easter Tuesday. Sunday begins with the so-called feast of rice pudding, continuing on Monday and Tuesday with religious acts dedicated to the patron saint of the people.
  • Virgin of the Miracle: the first weekend of September takes place this popular pilgrimage with a colorful parade of floats.
  • Our Lady of the Eagle: Feast of the patroness from the 23rd to the 27th of September.
  • St. Lucia: On the night of December 12th lighting fixtures are lit all over the town.
  • Medieval market: In recent years, the celebration of this medieval-themed flea market is taking root in the spring.
Finca, Ventas con Peña Aguilera